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D2129. Polychrome Figure of a Stag
Delft, circa 1770
Marked JvDuijn in manganese for Johannes van Duijn, the owner of De Porceleyne Schotel (The Porcelain Dish) factory from 1764 to 1772, or his widow Van Duijn-van Kampen, the owner from 1772 to 1773
Decorated in manganese with a naturalistically spotted coat, his head slightly turned to the left and pierced above each ear with a hole to be fitted with the carved wooden antlers. Modeled standing foursquare on the green top of a canted rectangular base with marbleized yellow sides.
Height: 26.5 cm. (10.4 in.)
Aronson Antiquairs, Amsterdam, 2005;
The Van der Vorm Collection, The Netherlands
Although probably modeled from life or from a drawing or print, the ceramic inspiration for this Delft figure of a stag can be found in Meissen porcelain (for an example, see Günter Reinheckel, Meissner Prunkservice, Stuttgart 1989, pl. 67; and the same author, Prachtvolle Service aus Meissner Porzellan, Leipzig, 1989, pl. 67). In addition to this type of standing figures, tureens in the shape of a recumbent deer were also produced at the De Porceleyne Schotel factory during the ownership of Johannes van Duijn, or his widow.
Similar examples
An almost identical stag, marked JvDuijn is illustrated in Van Aken-Fehmers 2001, pp. 100 and 127, ill. 10 (inv. no. OC-D 252-1904); and an equally marked pair of stags is in the collection of the Gemeentemusea Delft, Museum Lambert van Meerten (inv. no. LM.16a-b).