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• D2055. Pair of Polychrome Figures of Prancing Horses
Delft, circa 1755
Each with a blue-spotted hide and blue-lined ears, trapped with a yellow and iron-red delineated blanket and blue saddle, modeled affronté, standing with one blue hoof raised above the green top of a domed and tapering rectangular base with blue and iron-red marbled decoration around the sides.
Heights: 17.8 cm. (7 in.)
Aronson Antiquairs, Amsterdam, 1997;
The Van der Vorm Collection, the Netherlands
Similar examples
This model must have been particularly popular, as a number of factories seem to have produced it, as evidenced by a pair of horses of this model with the LPK mark of De Porceleyne Lampetkan (The Porcelain Ewer) factory, illustrated by Lunsingh Scheurleer 1975, p. 325, ill. 388. Another pair with the AP mark of Anthonij Pennis of De Twee Scheepjes (The Two Little Ships) factory, is illustrated in Aronson, Delfts uit de 17e en 18e eeuw, 1987, ill. 2; a third pair similarly marked is illustrated by Lavino 2002, pp. 67 and 170; and a fourth pair with the axe mark of De Porceleyne Byl (The Porcelain Axe) factory is illustrated in Aronson, 2004, p. 147, no. 169. An unmarked pair decorated predominantly in blue is illustrated in Aronson, 2005, p. 45, no. 42; a pair very similar to the present horses is illustrated in Aronson 2007, pp. 58-59, no. 43; and a single white example is illustrated by De Jonge 1965, p. 345, ill. 219.